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Old 08-28-2004, 08:44 PM
andyfox andyfox is offline
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Default Thanks, Jimbo

As I said to Gabe on the psychology forum, I usually get a bit scared when I see my name in the title of the post, but this one is fun. Thanks. Here are my answers:

Q-1) Jim Smith earns $ 45,000 per year and pays an adjusted tax liability for 15%, Jim’s brother Tim earns $ 500.000 per year and pays an adjusted tax liability of 20%. Who pays more in taxes Jim or Tim.

-I don't know what an "adjusted tax liability for 15% means; perhaps the questioner meant his marginal tax rate was 15%. I'm going to guess that Jim pays more dollar in taxes; that Tim pay a higher percentage; and that, on the first $500, they each pay the same amount and the same percentage. And that Tim has a harder life than Jim, unless Jim is as generous as you and I are. [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

Q-2) Jim makes car payments of $ 225.00, credit card payments of $ 350.00 and a cable bill of 75.00. Tim invests $ 1,000 per month in his Companies stock. Who creates more jobs Jim or Tim ?

-I don't know how Tim can afford to invest $1,000 on an income of $500, but I suppose it's none of my business. Anyway, the question is impossible to answer due to incomplete information. For example, I have car, credit card and cable payments that are much higher than Jim's, but I'm guessing I "create" more jobs than either.

Q-3) Mary Johnson is un-wed, unemployed, has 9 children and lives on government support. Her children go to public school. Her sister Judy Jones has one child, sends her child to privet school at her own expense. Who pay more school tax Mary or Judy?

-Bad spelling,grammar, and punctuation but I'm guessing the author is a arch-conservative, so it's understandable. Are these two married to Jim and Tim?

Q-4) John Kerry served heroically ( questionable). for four months in a combat zone And nineteen years in the Congress apposing national security legislation . President Bush also served as a F-102 pilot TANG. Brought down two of the most horrific regimes in history. Who do you trust to protect America, George or John?

-The first two sentences are irrelevant to answering the question. I trust Kerry more. As you know, I'm not a big Kerry fan. I'm an anybody-but Bush guy.

Q-5) John Kerry has no experience in the business world other than living off his wife’s trust fund and the bribes he’s collected while in Congress. President Bush has been both unsuccessful and very successful in business. He has an MBA from Harvard Business School and supposedly that’s about as good as it gets. Who do you trust to handle the economy?

-Based on what Bush has done in his first four years, I trust Kerry more. Bush's success with the Texas Rangers was based on fraud. I can elaborate if you like (although I'll be out of town the next few days, perhaps others can elaborate in my absence).

And living off a trust fund is hard. That's why Kerry needed a second chance. [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

Q-6) George Bush believes reducing taxes, allowing the money to flow back in to the economy it will increase jobs, increase productivity, increase revenues and improve the economy. John Kerry believes raising taxes letting the government decide how to spend the money will increase jobs. Who has the most logical theory George or John?

-George Bush's "theory" (I doubt he's progressed that far) hasn't worked. That's because there is no direct line between tax policy and economic vigor. There are lots of "it depends," which elude Bush's rather simple mind. John Kerry's "theory" is an imaginery one.

Q-7) John Kerry is opposed to out-sourcing jobs. John Kerry voted in favor of NAFTA. Favored Nation status for Pacific Rim Countries. John Kerry has voted Yes on every trade bill that’s come before Congress in the past 19 years. George Bush has made every attempt to convince Congress we need to use some of our own natural recourses to avoid the dependency on foreign nations. Who’s position seems the more logical. John or George?


Q-8) John Kerry believes the French, Germans, Russians and the UN can better run our foreign policy than our own President. George Bush believes we are better equipped to handle our own foreign policy than the elite Euros. Who do you agree with Kerry or Bush?

-I agree with Kerry that almost anyone could run our foreign policy better than Bush and the neocons. Maybe even Ringo. (And Ringo might be better than Kerry too.)

Q-9) John Kerry says George Bush is the most failed President since Herbert Hoover. John Kerry doesn’t know much about the Hoover administration and what it faced at the time. Do you think the country is worse off than in the 1930’s?

-John Kerry says it's the worst economic performance since Hoover. He hasn't said we're worse off than in the 1930s. No, I do not believe we're worse off than in the 1930s. (The "most failed" president? Is this a 2+2 publication? [img]/images/graemlins/smirk.gif[/img])

Q-10) John Kerry seems to think that President Bush is to blame for supposed ills the country is suffering from in his opinion. Do you think this country is on the edge of immediate disaster?

-The incumbent always takes credit for the good things and blames the bad things on his predecessor, circumstance, or other factors. The would-be king always blames the incumbent for the bad things and gives credit for the good things to his own party, circumstance, or other factors. I think Bush's re-election may indeed be a disaster, both in terms of foreign policy and economic policy.

Q-11) John Kerry has been in Congress for nineteen years. What responsibility do you give Congress for the supposed ills John Kerry think we are suffering from?

-A major portion.

Q-12 ) America is a better, safer, wiser, prouder Nation today because of George Bush, Yes or No.

-Better, no; safer, no; wiser, no; prouder, yes, in that the Bushmen have an unduly high opinion of their own achievements and qualities.

How'd I do?
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