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Old 08-27-2004, 09:13 PM
prayformojo prayformojo is offline
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Default Re: Bad night at Pokerstars

The cards were going to come in a pre-defined sequence and I was just there for the journey, totally helpless. Of course I should of stopped playing an hour earlier, I was actually up at one point so the fall was a bit bigger than $70 although that's what I lost on the night.

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This is going to be hard for you to hear, but you have BPS. Patients with Blackjack Players' Syndrome suffer from impaired vision, and cannot see either positive or negative expected value. BPS can also cause delusions of persecution, leaving the patient bewildered, mistaking random series of events for the malevolent designs of some unknown entity, expressly intended to destroy him. The patient begins to believe that nothing he does can affect those around him, and so lapses into passive inactivity. Ironically, this passivity is coupled with delusions of grandeur, causing the patient to believe that he does not in fact have a problem, that he knows everything already and cannot be taught, and that he is strong while others are weak. These competing delusions actually feed into each other, as the BPS patient convinces himself that his worsening condition is not because of his own conduct, which is flawless, but because of the mounting wave of persecution against him, and the incompetence of those around him.

Luckily, there is a cure for Blackjack Players' Syndrome. Alas, by the time most victims hear of the cure, it is too late. Don't be another statistic.

Together, we can fight this.
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