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Old 08-27-2004, 05:29 AM
Lawrence Ng Lawrence Ng is offline
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Vancouver BC
Posts: 78
Default Here\'s what really happened

Ok, here's what really happened.

I raised the turn, he re-raised me again and I just call. On the river an airball came, he bet and I called.

He showed me 9-10 suited.

This is one of those hands where I clearly felt I was beat. I can't explain it, but on the turn I just wanted to muck my kings so bad that I almost released it. Believe me, when it's HU I don't feel like mucking KK very often. Then at the last second for some reason I decide that he might be bluffing me out so I cry call knowing 90 percent well he had a 10 in his hand by the river.

Now, did I play this bad? No I did not. I played it based on whatever information I was granted at the time about this kid and his styles. I could not put him on 9-10 suited with an open raise. A-10 suited would be more like it.

Now I am not the best technical player in the world, but as Doyle Brunson states there is something about a poker player - call it instinct, a sixth sense, an innate subsconsicous reaction, that says "hey, fold your damn hand - you are beat" or "raise cuz he's got crap and you can bluff him." I don't know how to put this in +EV, but I have used this process to really let a lot of great hands go, and contrary have also used it to make some very gutsy plays. I do not do it very often, nor does that process come up a lot, but when it does it's quite reliable. I can't explain but I trust it. And this example is just another hand to prove it so.

All comments welcome.
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