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Old 08-26-2004, 09:55 AM
CCass CCass is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 180
Default Re: Who Will Win The Election?

I am beginning to sound like a broken record. There is no way Kerry wins TN. As I have posted elsewhere, there are no Kerry ads running on local TV stations, no radio spots (I am in the Nashville area), nothing. The Kerry campaign has written off TN, with good reason. Any poll that show TN as slightly Kerry is flawed.

I live in a county that is fairly typical of Tennessee (from a political point of view). All of our local elected officials are Dems, our state Rep and state Senator are both Dems, and our US Congressman is a Dem. Bush will carry this county by a 10% margin. People here (and in TN in general) aren't going to vote for someone that is perceived to be liberal. Gore didn't win here, neither will Kerry.

As for my prediction about the election, I think the two candidates will be within 1% of each other in the popular vote, and I think the electoral college will come down to Ohio. From a purely mathematical point of view, Bush has to win Fla and Ohio.
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