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Old 08-21-2004, 11:20 AM
slamdunkpro slamdunkpro is offline
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Default Re: Home Poker Games - A small Rant

This guy does not have to travel for the game and can call it off whenever he wants for any reason on any particular game night. Moreover, he is probably a winning player and that more than anything is being facilitated.

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Your last 2 posts indicate a lack of experience in dealing with home games from a host’s perspective, let me try and enlighten you.

First my post was not intended as a “woe is me – I’m a Martyr” post. It was more on the lighter side of home games and, by the way hosts do put in a lot of effort and a thank you now and then is not out of line. Most people got this.

In my case, you are incorrect – I DID have to travel, as our room was located some distance from my house. So this should put me on the same footing as the rest of the players who braved the elements to attend our games.

Second, a host of an established game can’t “just call it off”. If you do that once or twice your game is history. Once a game grows to a certain point it tends to take on a life of it’s own and self perpetuate.

Lastly – what does being a winning player or not have to do with anything. If you’re going to host a game, odds are you’re going to do it win or lose.
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