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Old 08-20-2004, 05:30 PM
Lottery Larry Lottery Larry is offline
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Default Re: Home Poker Games - A small Rant

"I used to go to a home game. The guy thought he was doing us a big favour hosting it. However, he manipulated the rules to suit himself and the rest of us had to make bus/car journeys to get there and get home."

And it was really YOU doing a favor for HIM by showing up? While his attitude was evidently bad and his rule manipulation garbage was unacceptable, you aren't setting a warm and fuzzy standard either.
If he were a good poker host, people would be glad to come. But getting a game to work is not a one-way street either, Mr Leech.

"You are just making it easier on yourself."
Have you ever hosted a game for a large group on a long-term basis that involved anything greater than a "friends come on over, bring some snacks, I'll pull out the Bicycle chips and cards" effort?
It doesn't sound like it, or you wouldn't have made that stupid statement. Or maybe you've never been to a good home game and can claim ignorance.

"If you still think you are a martyr then let someone else host it. "
You think he might not do that if someone else was running a regular game and maintaining it? Sure, hosting may not be entirely selfless and it may appeal to the control side of the host... but "martyr" is a bit strong, no?

"If no one is willing to host it then let the game die"
That will sure help everyone out who's looking for a game. Love your sense of community spirit. Maybe options aren't as flexible as yours are.
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