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Old 08-20-2004, 12:14 AM
BeerMoney BeerMoney is offline
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Posts: 12
Default Thoughts on Annie Duke..........

The problem with the personal attacks is that they are one way. Annie is a poker celebrity and when she does or says something dumb, everybody hears about it. Annie has admitted to making mistakes... In fact, she has come on this forum and admitted them, yet people can't let go of it.

The problem is that Annie really can't fight back. When we screw up, it isn't documented for the whole poker community to hear about. So people get to say terrible things about her while she can only say, ya, I was wrong, let's move on.. How would you feel if a couple times each year someone walked up behind you and hit you in the head with a 2 X 4 and then ran away? Its really not fair, right, cause you can't fight back?

When GOTMILK was on WPT, some comments were made about his girlfriend.. the comments weren't as bad as some of the things said about Duke, but they were out of line.. I actually didn't think so at the time. I do now, because I realize GOTMILK can't fight back. Our girlfriends aren't on TV for everyone to see.. So someone who hasn't been laid in 5 years is sitting behind his monitor typing "ya, I wouldn't touch that with a ten foot pole..." no one really said that, but I'm sure you get my point..

If Annie does something dumb in the future, let's talk about her actions, and not her. For instance we could have said, "LMAO, Ben Affleck's World Class..." see the difference?

If I had a camera on me for five minutes I'm sure I would say something dumb that I would later regret..

Annies taken some serious heat on here, but she keeps coming back. She wants to be part of the community. She's got some pretty thick skin and amazing poker talent. She deserves our respect, not our scorn.


PS.. I still think its cool to make fun of "the crew" though.
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