Thread: mouseless poker
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Old 08-19-2004, 09:57 PM
Blarg Blarg is offline
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Default Re: mouseless poker

I bought it and read the manual, but haven't installed it yet. The manual is online at the Belkins site as well as in the box, and gives a good idea of how programmable it is. There are quite a few keys and you can program each one many separate ways. You can use it in conjunction with a mouse or just on its own.

I intend to use it to try to play multiple tables more easily, and just do other things like websurf, etc. I'd like to be able to just let my arms hang down naturally into my lap when I play instead of having my right arm be up on my desk with my mouse, where I have a tendency to lean on it and make the shoulder sore when I'm on for hours and hours.

The Nostromo comes with some things already programmed in, and you can also fire up the program that lets you customize the keys, as well as reset the defaults. You can create and upload files to the Belkin site and share them if you like. I'm sure people worked out favorite Doom3 ones quickly. Some people in FPS's and games like Everquest really like this thing.

I just got it recently and haven't played poker much the last week or so, so it drifted into the background as a priority. But I'll get it going soon and post what it's like.

Construction quality seems nice, by the way. Fits my hand pretty comfortably, and overall just seems pleasantly solid and well made.
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