Thread: 88 in MP2
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Old 08-19-2004, 12:36 PM
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Default Re: 88 in MP2


Im assuming the table is reasonably tight, this particular hand was 3way for a single bet. thus, I would raise with 88 in mp or not play it at all (unlikely to get multiway action, so should be played for pair value). it's a good hand to steal blinds and play aggro. moreover, you would get more info on the others depending on their reactions to your raise preflop and post. Since you called, and BB raised to a EP limper (implying strength, perhaps large pair/large overcards), the raise on the flop was correct to put him on cards. Let's look at what he could have (assuming he is reasonably tight). He could have raised with AK, KQs, AA, KK, QQ, JJ, TT?/99?, AQ. For turn, if he is capable of semi-bluffing without a pair, then a raise would be correct but I wouldn't call because of the danger of large pairs. I'm inclined to think he would threebet with over pairs like QQ JJ in fear of overcards. But if this player is known to be tight I wouldn't be surprised if he turned over KK or AA. If he held a ten set, and he put u on med. pair, he would just as he did. He could also have semibluffed on the flop w/ KQs and have overcards + 3flush. once the turn came and possibly gave him 4flush and 4 str8, a bet here from him makes sense as well. This is a raise / fold situation depending on how likely he is to be semibluffing w/o a pair (on a draw). If you raise, have the intention to check on river. If he reraises on turn or bets on the river, IMO you are very likely beat.

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