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Old 08-16-2004, 02:50 AM
Garland Garland is offline
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Default Conditioning weak opponents at the final table...standard?

When I was at the final table of a poker tournament, I was playing with 3 or 4 weak players.

Whether it was heads up or 3 handed, I started to raise my standard hands with pairs, Ax, strong king, strong Q and such. If they all folded and are weak opponents, I would flash my A of Ax or pair or the good K conditioning them to believe that I only raise on good hands, which of course is crap.

Then when I have a truly crappy hand 2 or 3 handed like 74o or 23o, and I'm in the small blind, and I'm first to act. Unfortunately, I have a weak hand, but invested too much in the pot to fold to another blind and raise hoping they remember the Ax or pocket pair that I conditioned them to remember. Is this pretty standard?

Or do a lot of good players stick with the "never show" philosophy?

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