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Old 08-13-2004, 03:14 AM
parappa parappa is offline
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Default Re: How can I avoid always being shortstack on the bubble?

I guess I'm just frustrated because I haven't been in the money for a while in this game. All the players suck out on each other to build their big stacks. I can't bring myself to loosen up much because I hate seeing how they play. Thus, I take down one or two big pots to be only slightly above even when it gets to bubble time. Even with how tight I am, there's still no folding equity. I got busted out last night by Q3s against my A T. Couldn't believe it. I mentioned that I was at least a 60% favorite on that match up, guy said, "Stats don't matter, this is poker, the numbers don't mean anything." Yeah..and I can't beat this game, it's gettin to me.

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I posted roughly this exact thing a week or two ago, saying that it always ended up as me and 3 big stacks, should I loosen up, what was I going to do, etc. I went through a terrible patch--9 straight out of the money and 18 out of 22. I was looking for leaks in my game, trying to figure out what it was, etc.

For me, it was 2 things. First, I was getting worse cards than normal, which I can't control and which has since turned around. Second, getting worse cards than normal was putting me ever so slightly on tilt. For me tilt manifests itself as lack of confidence, rather than overaggression. So when I'd get a hand, I'd be able to force myself to raise 3xbb preflop, but then I'd fold at the first sign of trouble on the flop. Or when my stack was at 10xbb I'd fold hands that I should've pushed with b/c I couldn't raise 3xbb w/o pushing and I was simply convinced that I'd lose. And other bad plays, etc. etc. etc. I knew I wasn't being aggressive enough, but since they wouldn't fold I couldnt' bring myself to play correctly.

The solution for me, oddly, was twofold: I took a few days off, and I multitabled when I came back. Multitabling keeps me out of the drama of any particular game, and the limited time to make each decision lets me say "clear raising hand. you have only 7xbb stack. push." and then I push and go on to the next hand. I don't get so caught up in the drama of each game, and I'm not trying to finesse my way into the money. Now I simply make the right plays on each table, and wake up at some point on each table and realize there are only 5 (or 4 or 3) people left) and play the endgame.

No, don't loosen up. Yes, hang in there. Yes, follow Aleo's 10+1 guide until you are winning consistently.
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