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Old 08-11-2004, 12:28 PM
thedorf thedorf is offline
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Default Re: boring standard AK

hi nykenny,

I'm having trouble agreeing with you and with disagreeing with you about the turn bet. In my mind, assuming no reads on players, this is a bet that should be randomized. I would maybe even say that 50 % of the time this bet should be made and 50% of the time it should be checked. There are plenty of people out there who call with AQ on this turn and there are also plenty of people who fold a pair of tens or smaller. In fact if I were the MP1, I would very seriously consider folding pocket tens after the turn bet, especially after the SB calls.

One other thing I have to say about, "assuming no reads on players" is that one should assign a read to all new players even before they see their first hand. In this case our hero was playing online 15/30 (i can't remember the site) and in my opinion should "read" these new players as typical. Therefore, if his typical 15/30 player has a tendency to call a flop bet with overcards but fold to a double sized turn bet with the same holding, the turn bet is good.

The problem with what I just said though is that there are two opponents. Would they both call the flop with overcards or small pocket pairs? Not sure. I still don't think it's a cut and dried situation.

By the way, I like the river call. It smacks of an idiot taking a shot, or one who should not have been check-calling that flop and turn (pocket 3s or something).
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