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Old 08-03-2004, 09:29 PM
Justin A Justin A is offline
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Default Re: Ability to Predict a Players Skill based on Intelligence.

This doesn't have much to do with the actual reason you posted, but I don't think the SAT I is a very good indicator of intelligence. The SAT is a test that can be studied for and scored can be improved. My brother is a very intelligent person as it is, but he was still able to improve his score from 1380 to 1510 between the first and second times he took the test. He didn't get smarter, he just studied better and prepared himself more thoroughly.

As far as intelligence and poker players are concerned, there are alot of attributes that are not directly related to mathematical intellegence that make up a good poker player. I think it is more important to be level headed at all times than to be purely intelligent. I'm not too familiar with emotional intelligence, but from the impression I get it would seem to be a better measure of poker potential than a test like the SAT would be.

"The SAT I was designed with question types that reflect or show your reasoning abilities, not just the amount of information you've accumulated during school. As an example, many math items can be answered by using complex equations, but they can also be answered correctly if you can reason through the problem. Reading passages don't just test that you can read but require extended reasoning in order to answer the questions related to the passage. This means that you have to be able to make inferences, assumptions, and interpretations based on the passage provided, in order to understand what the author is trying to say." -The College Board

[/ QUOTE ]

I just don't believe this to be true. While reasoning can help you some on the SAT, most of it is being prepared for the types of questions they ask. I am confident I could teach a decent math student how to score nearly perfect on the math section.

I like the direction of your post though, it would be interesting to see what attributes to make up the best poker players from a purely potential standpoint.

Justin A
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