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Old 07-26-2004, 04:12 PM
TrailofTears TrailofTears is offline
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Madison, WI
Posts: 47
Default Re: AT as BB facing a raise

I understand your point, but doesn't what you just said sound like the opposite of what everyone jokes that fish think? Everyone says fish change what other players have so they feel good about their call (ex. AA preflop turns to QQ when they flop a pair of K's). It seems like you are saying that no matter what flops he will be beaten. It is just as likely that the opposite situation could occur, no? (when he flops a ten to get TPTK, he was up against AKs, and when he flops a pair of aces, he was raised PF by KK) Now I know that he raised on the flop, but how many times have you seen posts on here where people have been advised to 3-bet "to see how strong his hand really is." Anyone playing a high pocket pair might just as well raise this flop. At the very least, call this down and hope to improve with one of your four outs. That is just my take on this hand, and your post that seemed a bit like it was looking for monsters.
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