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Old 07-20-2004, 06:01 AM
Smasharoo Smasharoo is offline
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Default Re: online conspiracy?

I'll answer you seriously, since you'll porbably get 100 flames.

Here's what you're experiencing.

Online play is much faster than palying with an actual deck of cards. As a result, you see many more hands per hour.

Because you're seeing so many more hands per hour you're also seeing more statisitical anomalies per hour. You'll see more hands where someone has AA, you'll see more hands where AA is cracked, you'll see more hands where people suck out on the river.

Human nature is to remember unusual events and ignore common ones. Because of this, you're unlikely to remember when AA holds up against Q5, but very likely to remember when it sucks out.

Another aspect of online play is that it forces you to track how much money you win or lose over time. This has the effect of causing many players who thought they were sucessful to realize that in reality they either slowly and steadily loose money or barely break even.

What you should ask yourself is if you really believe that an online site would risk loosing all of it's customers with non random shuffling for no particular reason.

Of course it's possible for an online site to cheat. It's also possible to cheat with a deck of cards. I can deal you two aces and myself 27 and have a board of 7283J. That doesn't mean I would, or that a casino would hire me to.

What would a site have to gain from creating hands where bad hands suck out on good hands? They make money from the rake. How would having bad hands beat good hands get you to play more on their site? That's the goal you understand.

Unless you think they have players who they set up to win with fixed shuffles and they keep your money, in which case, it's tin foil hat time.

If you don't want to realize that there's luck involved in holdem or that you have leaks to fice on your game, don't play online I guess. If you're not enjoying the experience in general don't play online. /shrug.
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