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Old 07-19-2004, 01:45 AM
12AX7 12AX7 is offline
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Posts: 142
Default Young Hi-Limit Players?

I was reading the Favorite Pro threa and Phil Ivey came up a lot. Someone mentioned he was 24. On TV they mentioned he see's quarter million swings in his bankroll daily.
Anyone know how he got to that level? Great plyer who worked up? Born rich? et.
For example, One guy they called "mini-Gus [Hansen]" was identified as a dot com millionaire, retired at 25.
Just curious if the majority of young prodigies are like that.
Also, anyone draw any inferences from the fact that a total noob took the 2004 WSOP and he claims to only have been playing 6 months? (At my own 6 month mark I think I was down $1000.)
I get the feeling it means he's an oldster prodigy, or he had an edge because he was an unknown, or luck plays a *much* larger factor than us +EV believers realize.
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