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Old 07-13-2004, 02:12 PM
thomastem thomastem is offline
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TT & Grifter, this will be my last post on the subject - I made my thoughts clear that's all I intended to do not make this a 30 page discussion thread. In fact Mat feel free to freeze this thread.

I'm simply stating if he scroilled the Topics daily and spent 30 minutes going to threads (assuming he is in collapsed thread mode) that have multiple posts regarding the same subject (I.E. Zero Rake for multiple days) or reading threads where the subject sounded spammy.. This would allevaite 80% of the BS happening here lately.

Last time there swere 300 threads involving Zero rake and the "New posts" highlight had 4 Zero Rake things at all times.

What happened? I can't remember who and don't want to go look, someone with admin capibilities here.. Decided in the midst of all this chaos to start a thread regarding the importance of rake as if we all didn't already know this - conveniantly at the same time a Zero Rake ad went up at top right.. Which cost what a couple hundred bucks ? I would say this was more endorasing the spam then condoning it at all.

Yes, it is an important subject and topic but 4 or 5 DIFFERENT threads about the site at all times with new posts to them? Come on, give me a break!

[/ QUOTE ]

There are as many "What's the mod doing posts?" as rakefree posts. The mod says that you are right but to contact him personally so he can correct the flagrant spam.

He has stated this at least 5 times in the last week or so yet his job or whether more mods are needed keep being questioned.

Now if you PM him or hit that report to the mod button and it keeps getting ignored then there is something new to talk about.

Good to see it's your last post on the subject. I hope you get the resolution you want, and that there are no more "The mod sucks" posts by others.
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