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Old 07-13-2004, 10:57 AM
Toonces Toonces is offline
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Chicago area
Posts: 31
Default Conclusions from the Lee Jones / Ed Miller thread

- Lee Jones would like a forum to defend or discuss his positions in WLLH that are contradicted in SSHE. This is why he posted this topic in the first place.
- Ed Miller is willing to defend his critiques of WLLH strategy in this forum.
- Lee Jones contends that many/most poker situations don't have 1 "right" way to play the hand, save extensive poker simulation.
- Ed Miller believes that one can use logic, probability and application of Bayes' Theorem to determine that some WLLH advice is flawed, or at least contradictory.
- Many readers of this site have used WLLH as their original poker bible. While we have read other books in the meantime, many of us still follow many philosophies that are tought in WLLH.
- Many of the philosophies in WLLH will likely be contradicted in SSHE. Those of us that have grown up using WLLH will not know what to make of it, and will not be sure which strategy is correct for them, without both authors having a chance to defend their opinions.
- The best way to help small stakes players to reconcile this contradiction is to hear the arguments in a direct debate so that players can hear both sides and decide for themselves whether one philosophy or the other is flawed.
- It is critical that this debate be a forum of ideas and logic, and not one built on straw man attacks, ad hominem attacks, or attacking previous statements that the author no longer believes.

I hope that despite the bad blood that occured in the prior thread that Lee and Ed can sit down and have a discussion that many of the rest of us would find critically important as we try to reconcile contradictory advice given by WLLH and SSHE.
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