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Old 07-10-2004, 12:15 AM
DeezNuts DeezNuts is offline
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Default Re: Do you ever wish you were innocent??

I have a lot of friends that are blissfully ignorant of the deeper issues in life. I constantly envy them for their ability to find happiness just by having a great girlfriend/wife, having career goals, friends, etc. These things(or mostly anything) have never made me happy for a sustained period(although some do keep me content on a day-to-day basis). It's the whole blissfully ignorant idiot vs. tortured genius(not calling myself a genius) debate. I realize that they aren't mutually exclusive, but for certain personalities they just may be.

People that don't understand what you are getting at just don't have the same thoughts, but those of us that have similar thoughts understand EXACTLY where your post is coming from.

It's not that smart people are the only ones that think about the whole life-is-meaningless point, it's just that people with intellectual limitations cannot grasp some of the concepts that makes the argument so depressing at times.

And I love playing craps just for the fact that I can be as superstitious as I want.

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