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Old 07-08-2004, 10:31 AM
pokeraz pokeraz is offline
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 55
Default Re: Really stupid letter to the editor...

I am not sure why you call it a really stupid letter. I understand the writer's concern as I have felt it myself. Poker, and by extension gambling, has been glorified over the last couple of years with the poker explosion. No real effort has been given to show the other side of what can happen to degenerate gamblers. As poker players here, we all know that there are plenty of losers. We all know plenty of people in our circles who are constantly losing money they cannot afford to lose. We all know people whose lives have been destroyed by gambling and all the ills that come along with it. Are there intelligent poker players? Yes, but for everyone intelligent one, there are hundreds of fools. That's how we profit. None of that is being talked about. Are there people who can gamble responsibly? Of course. Are there a lot more people who are hurt by gambling than helped? Without a doubt.

Sure, the letter may not describe your situation, but I bet it describes someone you know.
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