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Old 07-06-2004, 12:49 PM
OrangeHeat OrangeHeat is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Syracuse, New York
Posts: 446
Default Do you ever wish you were innocent??

I went home for the holiday and went to the small local casino with my parents and watched them have a blast playing nothing but -EV games.

They played the machines that "felt" good, played the craps table when it was "hot", and all in all they enjoyed the heck out of it.

All I could do is think that is a 5% house edge, that is a 10% edge, bet the max odds it is less -EV, etc..., etc...No fun, no excitement just math...

Do you ever wish you hadn't learned all the gambling theory or that you could forget it for say a day and go and have fun at the casino? Do you ever wish you could be the guy at the gas station blowing 10 bucks on the scratch tickets because you think your lucky? Do you ever wish you could be the guy capping it up with J7 offsuit because you feel lucky?

I wish that once in awhile...It is something I can not genuinely experience for the rest of my life. Luck does not exist to me anymore just bell curves, averages, std deviation, etc...

It was a little depressing watching them enjoy there entertainment while my brain wouldn't shut off.

Don't get me wrong I am grateful for the $$ I earn from knowing what +EV is..just once in awhile seems it would be fun.

How about you - do you ever miss that "gambling innocence"?

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