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Old 07-04-2004, 09:48 PM
MrDannimal MrDannimal is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 385
Default Re: Paying less rake sites

It's simple for most of the posters here. All issues about site reliability aside (will I get paid? Is it clean?), it comes down to one thing:

If we earn more paying rake per hand then we do not paying any rake, we stay put. If someone can make $10/hr at Party, (even if it would be $12/hr if they kept their rake) but only $8/hr at PayNoRakeWhoo!.com, then they should stay at Party.

And there's the sticking point. Fish don't know the math behind rake. They don't know how much it costs them. For crying out loud, they don't know you can get hand histories, or that you can trak your play with PokerTracker, or that if you read some quality books you can get better.

So for the time being, any no-rake room is going to have the "cream" of the crop. The people who know rake eats into earn, and are good enough to care. I don't want to play against those people! Sure, the very good players can win more or less anywhere. Most of us aren't them. Most of us are the average/good player who can beat "good" games, but would struggle at games with 4 or more average or better players.

So it's a catch-22. To draw players, you need fish, and it's VERY difficult to draw fish to any new site, because fish are by nature unaware of the main strength of the new site (no rake).

I think any structure that helps the average/better players without hurting the fish is a good one (in this case, the house is conceding profit to the better players). Then again, I think zero-emission engines are a great idea. I'm not buying a car with one until it has a real cost equivalent to the car I have now (environmental concerns aside).
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