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Old 06-24-2004, 10:31 PM
Matt Flynn Matt Flynn is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2002
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was given by boris. a hell of a home game player. to this day some of my best memories are calling all my chips with aq on an ace-little-little board for something like $40 knowing for sure he had the set and not caring one damn bit. i did that two weeks running and busted his sets of eights twice. we had sam and sierra and a scrub apple tree to piss on so you could eat and pee at the same time, and natedogg had luck like a three-legged one-eared dog. life was good. 'course boris'll deny rememberin' the beats just like he can't remember dolly (clone my as s), but thems was the days.

god bless home games.

in a real game, well, i quote bobby hoff every time this comes up: "you couldn't put a gun to my head and get me to call." a man worth listening to closely.

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