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Old 06-24-2004, 08:21 PM
Blarg Blarg is offline
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Default Re: Where\'s your first Red figure on Pokertracker?

13,553 hands

Ace-suited is profitable, very profitable, all the way through A7s. Except for AQ suited, which is a moderate loser.

Ace-X offsuit is only a winner down through Ace, 10.

KK, KQs, KQo, and KJs, are all winners, and from then on pretty much everthing with a King in it starts to kil me.

BB/100 won goes AA, KK, QQ, KQs, AKo, AJs, AKs. I've won twice as much money with AKo as AKS, have 40% more BB/100 wins, win 4% more often. Yet I win more than 50% more per hand with AKs.

QJs is my biggest loser of all according to money won/lost and by an almost 50% margin compared to the next leading contender, yet QJ offsuit is a very solid winner.

In terms of winning percentages, I only have five winning hands that win more than 50% of the time: AA, KK, QQ, AK offsuit, AK suited, in that order. AKs comes in at 51.28, and the next step down jumps drastically, AQ offsuit jumps to 39.45% wins.

Luckily, it's not just how often you win, but how much you win or lose per hand!

Strangely enough, I seem to do very well with 8,8.

Fun stuff to look over, occasionally useful too. But when I see how drastically my figures can swoop up and down from just one win, it reminds me that even over 13k hands recorded is just a real drop in the bucket. I think until I get at least 50k hands, I'm going to feel a lot of my conclusions are just preliminary. And preferably more like 100k.
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