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Old 06-23-2004, 11:29 AM
sprmario sprmario is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 222
Default Re: haha, i resent being on that list.

Valid points. Like I said in my original post, I am new here, but the fact is that at a minimum granny's posts w/ regard to this fellow show poor taste and limited maturity.

Every single person in this forum engages in an activity (gambling) that many people find unethical. Does that mean those other people have the right to come on here and spew hatred? I don't think so.

Every single person on here has done something in their life they regret and are sorry they did. If someone smoked pot when they were in high school I don't think it gives people the right to run around after them and calling them a fuking pothead everywhere they go. Or if someone has gotten drunk and disorderly a few times I don't think that people should call them a fuking drunk all the time.

Also we use definitions so that we all have a common ground to speak to. That is the definition of the word harass. If you have a different definition or anyone else does, it doesn't mean anything. Now the conventions of this board might be such that vulgarities mean nothing (despite the terms and conditions), but that doesn't mean that granny's posts are any less harassing. That's what they are, plain and simple.
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