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Old 06-23-2004, 10:57 AM
Oski Oski is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Los Angeles, California
Posts: 444
Default Re: haha, i resent being on that list.

I'm sorry I guess spamming is not the correct term. I think harassment would be the correct term.

ha·rass ( P ) Pronunciation Key (h-rs, hrs)

1. To irritate or torment persistently.

I'd say that's an accurate descrition of what's going on. Oh and from the terms and conditions of the forum:

While using 2+2 website, you may not post or transmit any unlawful, threatening, abusive, libelous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, profane, or otherwise objectionable information of any kind

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Good point: That and a quarter would be worth 25 cents.

In practice, a web forum is governed by a social convention. Hard-line definitions are not really useful.

Your interpretation, for example, of harassment might not be anywhere near what is the norm for the forum. Of course, you might say, you agree with the the dictionary's definition: no good, its INTERPRETATION that is the key.

Case in point: Jurollo brought up the idea of having a select few be moderators. RiverMel, replied in a sarcastic manner, which was indended to make a point (which was successful). The whole thing went over Jurollo's head. Jurollo, obviously does not share the same sense of humor as RiverMel. It would be silly to have such a person moderate the forum.

The bottom line is this forum is owned and operated by a private entity. Such people can and will run this site as they choose. Therefore, the only interpretation that REALLY matters is that of the Owners and of course, Mat.

Mat has laid down some guidelines, and seems to follow them faithfully. Occasionally, he may miss something or be overly judicious, but it seems to work fine.

It takes just more than a little bit of panache to sign on to a forum and then volunteeer to "clean it up" within a month or so of your first post. The idea is even more silly when the volunteer couldn't recognize a joke if it hit him in the nose.
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