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Old 06-14-2004, 05:55 PM
Baulucky Baulucky is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2003
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Default Re: Support for David Ross

re. tax: Set up a website. Copy/paste your 52 weeks into a file and make it a .pdf . Put it on sale on your website. Use paypal or neteller or one of these collection fronts to collect your money. Convince 10 or so people to buy your thing, (even if you reimburse them on the outside). That's it, 1-2-3 business set-up. Pay your taxes. Nothing easier than setting up a publishing business...making money publishing, well that's another thing...

In the meantime put it in any format you want, etc. to sell thru whoever.

I'd hate to pay taxes on poker winnings after all that hard work/risk taken. I'm glad that where I live, the gov't doesn't even know that I exist...
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