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Old 06-13-2004, 08:50 PM
Greg J Greg J is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2004
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I thought his might be a more relevant thread to post this (this is also on thread about crawling up from micro and nano limts).

If anyone has descriptions of other pokers sites and/or other limits then please do so.

Ahhh... nano limits. the slums of the poker world. This is what it looks/looked like to me at paradise

$.02/.04: Very loose game, with a mix of aggressive and passive players. Some people will constantly hit the raise button without thought to thier cards until they have no outs (ie they will see every river). There do tend to be more passive players than aggressive ones. This is where i learned to deal with maniacs as well as calling stations. I think playing here was invaluable for me learning to handle the mentally ill chronic raiser (loose agressive on pcp) as well as how to take money away from loose passive players. Percent of flops seen typically approaches 70% -- and sometimes even higher. Since the maniacs arent always at every table though, often one bet will get you to see any flop ... RESIST THIS TEMPTATION!!!!

Advise on what to focus on: practice tight agressive play style here. learn to be selective preflop. learn how not to get sucked in to hands you should not be in.

$.05/.10: THis is actually better in my opinion than .02/.04 in two respects: 1) you win more money becuase of the higher limits and 2) the players are slightly better, so you get better. I still suggest STARTING at the .02/.04 level, simply becuase the fundamental poker lessons are cheaper, and swings do happen even at this level. You should be pushing those guys round at .02/.04 before moving here, but if you dont its not disasterous -- just my advise.

Typically players are still very loose here, but not quite AS loose. Flops seen % is usually around 50%, sometimes lower and sometimes higher. Today I played at a table with 35% flops, but that is unusually tight for this level. You will still catch an occasional maniac, but they are not as common, as they tend to bust out playing stupid.

Advise on what to focus on: position!!! you should have an idea of its importance by now certainly, but before you leave here you should master it. learn the free card play. it works, and makes you a lot of money with AXs. Fix all leaks in preflop play. if you think you should fold you probably should. when in doubt post your fold on the 2+2 micro limit board and ask if it was a good one.

Anyone have any additional thoughts?
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