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Old 06-01-2004, 05:43 PM
PairTheBoard PairTheBoard is offline
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 46
Default Re: Median Best Hand Part II: A9s

Seems to be a descrepancy for A9s for it to become more attractive after you've thrown in more hands that can beat it. I would cross check the work between the two calculations to see what's going on. If the only change to the rankings is to throw in the small pairs then A9s is no longer Medain Best and probability of getting called goes up.

If you get tired of plugging Hand Matchups into PokerStove I'd suggest just using aproximations based on the Hand Type Matchup win frequencies.

I had a situation like this last night. I was in a multiway tourny and getting short stacked with K4o on the button - everyone folding to me. I probably should have gone All-In for the blind steal but decided to wait for a better shot. I ended up getting blinded down so bad that when I finally got a decent toss up I would still have been too short stacked to do much good had I won it. From the work you're doing I'm beginning to think it is a BIG MISTAKE to underestimate the value of everyone folding to you when you're on the button or cuttoff in these situations.

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