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Old 05-30-2004, 11:31 PM
Gomez22 Gomez22 is offline
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Default Re: WSOP 2004 – Greg the Champion - One for the Good Guys…………

Very nice Myrtle.... thanks for sharing.

I haven't been playing that long(8 months now) and I have a few people here on the forums that have helped me with my game in immeasurable ways, and many more that have taken time to bash me when I needed it, push me when I was down, and praise me when I had success, however small or however big.

I can remember last year at the first OIC, that I was ecstatic as a new father after I had finally risen from the .5/1 limit tables(had never played as high as 1/2 before) to play at 1/2 and then 2/4 and then 3/6 and then 5/10.... it was a rush for me... I was on the leaderboard for every day of the OIC, and everyone that spoke to me or that I spoke to made me feel that my accomplishment was nothing short of "my own WSOP". It was at this point that I began to think of the 2+2 forums as a loose 2nd or 3rd "family".

There have also been those here that have helped me in more personal manners, and I can't even begin to bestow the thanks that I owe to so many here for many things: support, friendship, a kick in the pants when I needed it, and an overall sense of loyalty/companionship that one rarely finds without personal physical contact.

Although I've never spoken to Greg, and I don't think he's ever replied to any of my posts, I for one, am honored to be a part of the 2+2 forums, and be able to share in the excitement and wonder that we all feel as "one of our own" has brought the big one home.

I've heard nothing but good about Greg, and as most of us know, it's very rare around here to NOT find a derogatory post someplace about someone, so I think that speaks volumes for the type of person that Greg is. To hear the players that I admire on these forums treat him with respect and dignity only confirms to me that he is truly worthy of this, and I can only be as happy for him to win it as I would be for any personal friend of my own.

I found it strangely odd that Greg posted to thank us, when I feel that I should be thanking him from the bottom of my heart. I think he serves as an inspiration for everyone here and just proves that goals ARE attainable. He has inspried me just by the respect that he gets here.... add the obvious skill that he has, and the person that he seems to be, and I can only hope to one day be thought of in a tenth of the way that it is obvious that he is thought of.

Thank you once again, and I wish all the posters here at 2+2 well....

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