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Old 05-26-2004, 09:25 PM
PairTheBoard PairTheBoard is offline
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 46
Default Re: Median Best Holdem Starting Hand

Yes. I agree. As soon as there's action then everything changes. You might check out my posts in the "Proababilty" section on how Bayes' Theorum applies to poker. As I see it it's basically in this area. You start out with estimated probabilities of what your opponents hold. Then when betting action occurs you adjust your estimation of their holdings according to your estimate of the probabilites that they would act as they have with the hands in your initial estimate. This is a seat of the pants application of Bayes' Theorum that we are doing all the time. But the jumping off point is the estimate of holdings before seeing action and the Median Best Hand calculationo ought to be one more tool in making those intitial estimates.

I also agree with your observation that the MBH idea should tend to have greater application in short handed situations. I've recently begun playing more 6 handed games and I think this has motivated my interest in this along with all the SNG's I've been playing. At the higher limits, even in a Full Ring game it's often the case that everyone will fold around to you when you are in late position and a raise by you will force the hand into heads up action. It's often the case that you will be playing heads up against someone with the Best Hand of the players yet to act. Of course an adjustment is needed if your opponent ends up being the Big Blind but knowing what the Median Best Hand is of the remaining players in that situation ought to be useful in giving you a feel for what you might be up against.

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