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Old 05-25-2004, 11:01 PM
Zeno Zeno is offline
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Default Re: Chalibi Passing Secrets To Iran Doesn\'t Pass the Smell Test

Hold in mind that many classified documents have degrees of 'security' attached to them. There is also a monstrous bureaucracy associated in dealing with and how to classify classified documents and as such security breaches are probably common, whether through ineptitude, honest mistakes in procedures, or clandestine means. I would be willing to wage that thousands of supposed secure or otherwise classified documents are seen by prying eyes.

And as you know there is also varying degrees of security clearances. As to a criminal record this is usually only serious if CONVICTED of a Felony. Not being a US Citizen is much more problematic post 9-11 than it use to be but can still be overcome. Security clearances are really not that difficult to get – I have one. Remember the need to know creed.

I am ignorant about this Chalibi affair that is being hooted about and I care very little about it whatever it is.

The real problem is one of getting the right people to do the right job. For example, if I were president and needed some slippery and dirty work done on the sly, I would hire some criminal person to do it. But the criminal would have to be a smart one – in other words someone that hasn’t been caught or at least if attested, was never convicted. You have to have intelligent people doing dirty work. Dumb people always screw things up.

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