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Old 05-25-2004, 04:49 PM
adios adios is offline
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Default Chalibi Passing Secrets To Iran Doesn\'t Pass the Smell Test

If Chalibi was privvy to classified information something seems to be very wrong with how he was granted access to classified info. I held a top level security clearance for eight years. I used to work in one of the most highly secure places in the United States when I was involved in dismantlement. I know what people have to go through to obtain a security clearance. I held this clearance and I NEVER saw one classified document. Granted I worked in an area that was highly secure due to the nature of the place but I never saw any classified info per se. I can't believe that Chalabi would be cleared to have access to classified information but maybe someone could explain (like Jimbo maybe) how Chalabi could have access to such info not being a US citizen and having a criminal record. Therefore I have my doubts as whether or not Chalabi really had access to classified info that he could share with Iran. This gives Chalibi's claim the CIA is smearing him more credibility in my mind.
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