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Old 04-21-2004, 03:11 AM
Milo Balzich Milo Balzich is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: I am from the Coast of Dalmatia; I own a Yacht
Posts: 20
Default Re: Forum Enforcement

Now everybody post dumb thing on this post area. I get here today, everybody wsant only one thing on there, they cry for one things here only. Now, everyoen acts like they put square peg in round hole and everything good.

Maybe they realize that nobody was ever breakingn the law by posting, how you call "other topic" with little internet gambling content. Maybe they are now breaking free of social tyranny of having neighbor run your own house.

Josip Broz Tito brought my lovely Dalmatia together with Serbia and the rest of Jugoslavia. For many years, I fish for my government under communist iron fist. It is hard to catch fish with iron fist. Under communist, we have to tell on each other when brother and neithgbor are bad. We do it as a duty and for country. It got to point we tell on everything and we follow more rules than we have to.

But it became a fun game to try to follow the most rules and please our Tito, to show Tito our brown noses that we love the Tito. Tito didn't even know we were following rules that he had not even made. One day I say, why are we so interested in following more rules than we should. Cannot people be free in teh context of rules? Is there rooms for one person out of twenty to wear colored clothings and not grey wool all the time?

But we are even more free now, less rules. Many who want more rules have moved farther East to find rules. I now can play internet Keno anytime I want, and they have the triple slots that I like. I also play all the Yahoo games, and once had a DOOM party on my boat with some other fisherman.