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Old 04-14-2004, 06:49 AM
ramjam ramjam is offline
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Default Re: My first $100 day

Congratulations on your achievement.

As to dealing with the swings, I grit my teeth, try to stay calm and, if I believe it's affecting my game negatively, stop playing.

Personally I find that the tendency I have to fight when suffering a downswing is not a drift towards loose-aggressive tilting but becoming weak-tight and timid.

As you progress, you will hopefully find the swings easier to deal with. Firstly, you'll just get used to the constant inflows and outflows of chips. Secondly, if you have ground out an overall profit of 500 or 1,000BB, it is much easier to put losing 50 or 100BB in perspective: you're hopefully not losing a massive chunk of your bankroll and you can face it with the equanimity and self-confidence that comes from a long-run winning record. Notwithstanding this, whether you win big or lose big, it's sensible to put time into analysing your own play and looking for strengths and weaknesses.
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