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Old 04-13-2004, 06:49 PM
jdl22 jdl22 is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Posts: 609
Default Re: If you could ask one question at the President\'s news conference...

If I weren't feeling too provocative I would ask: How is tax and spend worse than the don't tax and spend that you're doing?

If I were feeling a little feisty I would ask: How can you claim to be a compassionate conservative when it's quite clear you are neither? (he sure as hell is not fiscally conservative and is clearly not compassionate in the slightest)

If I'm in a super feisty mood here is my question:
If you think abortion is murder then why isn't this issue more important than national security since there are approximately 1,370,000 murders committed by doctors using your definition each year? (note: I'm pro-choice I just don't see how prolife politicians can possibly think there is a more important issue, obviously they can't talk about it like that because most Americans are pro-choice at least in the first trimester)

At the end of the day there is almost literally nothing Bush can say to get my vote. If he passed a tax that said that anybody that doesn't have the initials jdl would have to pay 1000 and this money would be collected and distributed evenly to people with these initials then I would think about voting for him. There are also very few constitutionally qualified candidates who if they were running against him wouldn't get my vote. Most of these are in his cabinet, on fox news, or on talk radio.
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