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Old 04-07-2004, 05:39 PM
Lunamondo Lunamondo is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 137
Default Re: why buy-in for less than max online?

For a limit player new to big bet poker it makes sense to buy less; like $17.50 at 25 NL, though depending of the type of the game and what and how much people bet and raise there.

When the bigger mistakes happen they in this case rate to happen past the flop, while this kind of smaller stack makes it possible, when correctly done, to put more or a lot of money in on early streets when ahead, and it's nice to be all-in when someone sucks out, or would like to make a bluff one can't call, while one might get people to call more easily when they see what you got left.

I think people who play lots of hands before the flop often complain about the smaller stacks as they might not get good enough implied odds for their looser play. The other reason why one might not like the smaller stacks is that it looks like one makes less money with superior skills vs. smaller stacks. One might hate to see tiny stacks on one's table; it looks like money right out of our pockets.

Maybe there should be a complete law against too small stacks, and in my opinion against too big stacks also. 12.5 the lowest and 50 the highest what one can have active on the table. It's just perhaps hard to demand that when the other has no more money left, while I am not that sure it hurts either as it's bad poker to play with a too small stack, like you might not mind in a multiway pot that the person who makes his set on the flop is already all in, always paying too much (perhaps relative to you) before the flop to try to draw out.

One thing the bigger stacks can do is to raise often and more perhaps, for it to be if not a mistake but less profitable for the smaller stacks to call those raises with pocket pairs for example. In these games it costs some money to the smaller stacks (might cost to the raiser also but that's not the issue here) that hate to see that happening.
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