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Old 04-06-2004, 12:52 PM
Richie Rich Richie Rich is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 222
Default Re: QQ play: flop bet OK or insane?

Although QQ is a good hand to be holding before the flop, it's another story after those first three community cards have been laid down. In this case, it was a pretty bad flop for you...

Despite your gutshot straight draw, you were already losing to the button if he held: Ax, Kx, AK/AT/KT, QJ. Only conceivable hands you would've been able to beat were a smaller pocket pair or JT/T9/J9.

I understand that chucking in your last $7 may seem like it's worth it (hey, it's only 7 bucks), but making that call in NL25 really isn't a +EV in the long run...

On a side note, you very well could have had AA/AK/KK and made that same preflop raise and flop bet. Take notes on players (like him) who think they can easily take it down with top pair, weak kicker.
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