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Old 03-25-2004, 06:38 PM
AleoMagus AleoMagus is offline
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Posts: 252
Default Re: Results are in

Very interesting

I think these rankings paint a far more accurate picture of what hands are good calling hands.

How hard would it be for you to rank vs a random chance of a slightly more refined list of possible opposition hands

I'd actually like to take some hands like A2o-A6o off the list and add some hands like KQ, KJ, and suited broadway cards

Also, does this list take into account the greater likelihood that your opponent is holding AK than a pair, etc...

* There aren't many hands which have a win pct > 50% against a random pair or ace! The only "winners" are: AAo, KKo, QQo, JJo, TTo, AKs, 99o, AKo, AQs, 88o, AQo, AJs, 77o, AJo, 66o, ATs, 55o, ATo

[/ QUOTE ]

This is a very powerful point. I think that this point almost comes close to a suggested calling requirement against shortstacks pushing on the bubble

Good Post
Brad S
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