Thread: NL Bankrolls?
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Old 03-22-2004, 02:20 PM
goodguy_1 goodguy_1 is offline
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Default Re: NL Bankrolls?

grind out multiple tables of $25-0.25/0.50 NL Party games-You should be able to make a minimum of $5 per hr per table-if you play 4 tables at once which is quite easy at NL-you'll make $20 an hour.If you play really well you can make $6+ an /hr per table.

Your hourly standard deviation should be about $20-$25 for just one table.Play at this level and study the game-and you hourly rate will improve.

Play 1000 table-hours and move up.You should be able to beat NL games for 5-15 bigblinds.10 as you move up in stakes and play tougher games.Play super tight and aggresive..this is easy to do playing multi tables.

I find sit-n-go's much higher variance and a crapshoot.Many very good players have mixed results in sng's after huge samples...others excel at them-I make money at them but not enough on a sd/earn basis-in other words my results arent that consistent and I make much more in other areas.I have not ever really ever focused on sng's more than 20-30 at any limit...
Cash games are where it's at for me I know that.
If you dont play NL well play short limit games.

My worst streaks were like a $500 loss in the $25 NL at Party in 1100 table hours-but this was early on when I'd only been playing NL for a month or two.
You really shouldnt have anything worst than this.running bad at NL is mindboggling.You should be ok at Party $25 NL with $250-$500 for a starting bankroll..$500 is overkill.

My worse streak in Party $50's is also only -$500 but thats after playing ~2200 combined NL table hours-so my experience has helped from my early learning period of NL last summer.Since in past posts I have yapped about my great $50 NL average.I have some updates.At even 500 table hours I was making $14 an hour per table in this game.Well I had sensed that perhaps I was running well and I was right.Even at 700 hours my average was still stubbornly high at around the same level...well I went thru the dreaded streak I had expected.Over my next 200 hours my hourly rate fell to $11 an hour..back up to around $12 now.Grrr...2 things are a factor are not as good as they were.It's hard to stack-off now against poor players..because there are fewer fish-still there but not as many...most importantly I was running very well.I am now playing Party NL $50 and $100 and alot of short(6Max) LHE.
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