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Old 03-12-2004, 05:36 PM
Aloysius Aloysius is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 15
Default Re: Pushing In With KJ Suited

Thanks for your responses guys, they were very helpful. Oh, and yes I meant the SB checked to me on the turn... I noticed my error and thought I edited it, but guess not.

I usually play with a "catastrophist's mindset" early in a tourney, as the competition isn't so stiff at this game (it's a live game btw), and I can afford to wait for a big hand or a great semi-bluffing opportunity. I usually get in trouble when I make a play based on an incorrect read.

I did put the SB on a steal with his flop check-raise, and actually thought when I pushed on the turn there was a decent chance I had the best hand.

My whole read came from a couple key moments.

1. When I made my standard CO raise, which I'd made the last 2 orbits and probably screams steal, I assumed that SB, who has a decent read on me and knows about the gap concept, would reraise me with a premium hand like AK (especially cause he'd be out of position for the rest of the hand). I guess he decided to trap or just call and take a flop with it.

2. When I underbet the pot (now I see a very big mistake), his min-raise confused me. I wasn't sure what kind of hand he'd do that with (he's a tricky player, but I think he'd play bottom set or 2-pair very fast, and with a set of Queens or Kings I think he'd try to milk me). Maybe could have avoided all this confusion by betting the pot or even overbetting it. Anyway it helped establish in my mind that he might be "stealing" with a worse hand than mine.

Next time, after someone shows strength, and I have a mediocore holding, I'll try not to push in on the next betting round and try to take the free card. (That is until I get better at reading people.) Funny how sometimes you can lose sight of common sense in the heat of the moment.

Thanks again.

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