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Old 03-08-2004, 11:13 PM
spoody spoody is offline
Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: MN
Posts: 82
Default Re: 5 all ins in a row - your thoughts on the plays

Its funny, my thinking was a combination of 2 competing feelings.

1. I HATE AQ. I have busted out of more tourneys with AQ than any other hand. The hand kind of freaks me out.

2. I knew I was going to be all in, but since I had been all in 3 times in a row already, I did think that possibly a normal 3x raise might buy me the blinds...this was dumb but I was thinking they might respect this raise more than all I said, dumb.

I was going to lose no matter, since AKs was calling my all in no matter what...I guess he had sat there for like an hour not playing any hands just waiting for anything to play (this was a new table for me). He told me that he wouda called the biggest stack at the table. But I would like to play these hands better, and it looks like the best play is to push all in right from the start.

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