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Old 02-20-2004, 12:22 PM
LetsRock LetsRock is offline
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Default Re: Has choice picked up?

It's hit and miss. There's often a reasonably full 1/2 game running, but it usually thins out pretty quick. It's usually 5 or 6 players on a 1/2 and 1 or 2 trying to get a 3/6 table running. There's 3 or 4 sharks that hang out and just pounce on anyone who shows up with $20 looking to check it out.

I have to say I've been really disapointed with the growth. It's hard to justify playing there to make some rake back, when I usually make more $/hr playing my regular games than I make in week of rake rebate. With the table being so short handed most of the time, few hands even get raked (lots of blind stealing) and it's hard to get any pots built.

I thought they were on the right track with their HH bonus (which is paid in bonus dollars and takes about 20 hours of play to clear) and their freeroll.

They've taken away the freeroll and made the HH harder to catch.

I hate to post negative things about a site that I'm propping for (at least I think I'm propping?), but I'm finding it hard to stop by and put any time in.

I hope they figure it out pretty quick.
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