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Old 02-09-2004, 06:13 PM
Coilean Coilean is offline
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I ultimately just called in all 3 hands, but in all 3 hands I pretty strongly considered 3-betting.

I momentarily thought the reraise was attractive in Hand 1 because I didn't feel like he played his hand like a set. I quickly decided against it because AK is probably the only hand I can get a call from that I beat, and I'm paying off if I get 4-bet by a guy I've only played a couple hours (and no other hands) with, even if he has was from Illinois and wearing a black top hat with a bushy black beard. He showed AQ.

I thought the longest about Hand 2, because this one looks pretty favorable. A flush seems pretty unlikely for him, given the JTd on board, and his failure to raise my turn bet. It looks like AQ (maybe KQs) is a strong possibility, but since my hand is easy to read if I 3-bet I may not get paid off by these hands, and certainly face a reraise from a full house that I probably have to pay off, because (again) it's a guy I've only played a couple hours with. Also, I didn't think a set was that unlikely here despite his failure to reraise the flop, as he might have been waiting for a safe turn card to bet or check raise on (a play I don't like here because the raiser could easily be screwing around with a draw and check the turn if checked to, but that doesn't mean he couldn't try it). He showed JJ.

Hand 3 I almost reraised, but the fact that T9s has a legitimate play here after picking up a double gutter on the turn (even if an unlikely preflop play, but I've learned not to let that sway me, particularly in river 3-bet decisions), and that a suited ace is a pretty common cold calling hand ultimately swayed me against it. I might get paid off by AJs or a QJs, but I'm probably facing 4 bets if I'm beat, and once again I'm not willing to fold against a guy I don't know that well. He showed ATs (spades) for the nuts.
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