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Old 02-09-2004, 04:40 PM
Festus22 Festus22 is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 760
Default Re: Microlimits Progress Quest: Post plans/updates/setbacks here.

Good post.

I've been playing steadily for about the past 9 months or so almost exclusively at the micro limits. I just crossed $3K in earnings with maybe $800 of that coming from bonus whoring. I played a little over 1000 hands at Party $1/2 and my rate was lower than that of Party $0.5/1 so I stopped $1/2. I have about 250 hands at $2/4 and am down 18 BB's. I probably played too tight (14% Flops) but didn't get a lot of hands either.

Now my issue is I know I busted my butt building my bankroll to date and don't relish the thought of giving a ton of it back while trying to figure out if I can be profitable at $2/4. But to give it a fair shot, I know I need to expect a downswing. It's the old risk/reward balancing act.

So what's the best plan when $1/2 sucks and $2/4 places several weeks of profit at risk to give it a decent shot?
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