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Old 02-09-2004, 02:47 PM
bisonbison bisonbison is offline
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Default Microlimits Progress Quest: Post plans/updates/setbacks here.

I've been made to understand that user signatures have gone the way of the dodo, robbing me and many others of the ability to brag and commiserate about the short-term/long-term goals we've set ourselves as poker players.

So, rather than give up, I've decided to start a centralized thread for anyone who wants it, a la nykenny's 10k in 100 hours posts. If you're working your way up in limits, or shooting for a money goal, feel free to share, post interesting hands or celebrate milestones.

Here's me as of 2/9/2004, having started this new thing on New Year's Day.

Operation Boondoggle
Goal: .5/1 to 3/6 in 2004.
Milestones: 300BB @ each level.
Current limit: .5/1
Hands: 4539
Earnings: +243BB
Rate: 5.35BB/100

Comments: Well, I had a simply huge weekend, up 117BB in something like 20 table-hours of play, doing 3 .5/1 Party tables at a time.

Before this weekend, I'd been looking through my session data, and found that I'd been playing a lot of sessions of a half-hour or less. I decided I'd be getting better table reads and better pokertracker data on people if I played fewer, longer sessions. This weekend I played at least 9 sessions of an hour or more (3 tables at a time), and had pretty good results in all of them. Even for the tables where I posted a loss, I was able to better see which part of it was my own play and which part of it was variance due to table conditions.

All in all, I feel like I've really turned a corner in my poker abilities. I'm not great, and I'm not even particularly good, but I'm finally beating .5/1 consistently and confidently, and I don't find myself sweating preflop decisions much anymore. Can't thank micro enough for that, and I'm looking forward to moving to 1/2 in a couple of weeks. Too bad Party can't seem to keep the 1/2 10-seaters full.
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