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Old 03-27-2002, 09:24 PM
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Default Re: The Seductive Brutalities of Poker

You wrote (in part):

BEGIN (Andy Fox)

Here's what Mike Caro said about losing many years ago:

"I cope with losing very badly. I think I have a feeling of persecution. That the unknown is persecuting me. I tend to think about mistakes a lot less when I've had a big loss. In fact I think I try to justify big losses by not wanting to think I've made any mistkes. It's already too painful to think about without the addition of mistakes."

END (Andy Fox)

Where did that quote come from? I don't deny that I wrote this, but it differs from what I've said in the past. I try never to let losing bother me, and that's basic to my entire philosophy about poker. I'm known for having fun and giggling when I lose. If you tell me where this came from, I'll be able to consider it in context.

Straight Flushes,

Mike Caro (

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