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Old 02-02-2004, 12:36 AM
MadSci MadSci is offline
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Location: eastern Washington State, \"Tri-Cities\"
Posts: 108
Default You tried Napster and Friendster.. now try Cheatster!

So they are billing their software as a tool to cheat online, with people you don't know even. Lovvvvvely.

And of course, "perfect play" and "perfect pot odds" are meaningless phrases that would be useless in most games anyway. If it can't account for the chance that my opponents' raise was stupid, or implied odds, etc, what good is it?

I've long thought, however, that an odds calculator tool would be nice to have. One that would let me see my odds of hitting various hands from where I am in the hand, given certain dead cards if I want, and so on. Sort of an advanced, quicker to use pokenum. Does something like that exist?
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