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Old 01-29-2004, 04:23 PM
andyfox andyfox is offline
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Default The Ethics of Pattern Mapping

I have never played on the internet. I do not know what pattern mapping is. I am a techno-peasant.

But I take it, from Ulysses' and other posts, that pattern mapping enables you to predict, with greater or lesser accuracy, the turn and river cards. To the point where:

"yesterday I had 77. The flop was 6AQ. Based on the pattern map, I knew that it was unlikely for someone to have AA or QQ (though I can only predict other people's hole cards with about 40% accuracy right now) and I also knew that the next two cards would be a 2 and a 7. Because of this, I capped the flop and turn against two opponents who had AQ and 66. Of course, the river was a 7 as expected and we capped that street as well resulting in a huge pot for me."

A game where one player knows what the river card will be and his opponents do not is a game of cheating. This should be publicized everywhere within the poker community and to appropriate authorities so that either an effective way of stopping the practice is found, or that internet poker is outlawed.

I would also hope there would be a class-action suit by those who did not pattern map to recover their losses, since they were cheated. They were guaranteed by the poker cite, I assume, that the game was on the up-and-up. Yet other players knew what the turn and river cards were likely to be, to the point where they would cap with pocket sevens on an A-Q-6 board.

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