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Old 01-28-2004, 06:19 PM
elysium elysium is offline
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Default Re: turn the nut boat but wait....uh oh.

hi diplomat
well, i had just gone through a week straight of the most incredible riverings i've ever had. i know that getting rivered is something you notice more and more the better you get at this game. but i'm talking getting rivered by 1 and 2 outers like 10 times straight. it was uncanny. and the rivering didn't seem to want to end. this particular hand sent me home. no, i didn't bust out, i was out of time and had to go home anyway. i went into tunica up 10 racks and left breaking even. i just never thought it possible to suffer so many riverings against hands with so few outs. they couldn't beat me any other way. and i never thought getting rivered like this was possible. if these games were being played here in miami, i would have suspected cheating. but no cheating here. just incredible riverings. and no, this wasn't the first time my nut boat was rivered by quads, it was the fourth such time in a week. to give you an idea about how bad i was running, i finally hit the nuts on the river in a huge pot only to have my precious flush card return to the deck due to a misdeal. the next hand i flop a nut boat but my opponent flopped quads. of course we slow-played the flop and went into a raising war on the turn and river. why did i put in that extra bet on river? it didn't matter. at that point i knew i was heading back home instead of staying a day longer. i reasoned that if he unexpectantly turned over KK for a lower boat that my gutsy reraise would inspire me to stay that extra day. actually, when he turned over KQo i momentarily thought that i had won disbelieveing for a minute that anything less than pocket QQ and i win. yeah, i had to admit it. he called my pre-flop raise which was reraised behind me with KQo. he entered in with crummy KQ. and whopped my ass good. once the sharks in tunica got a whiff of my blood running oh so badly, they were firing at me with anything and yelping like rebels as they did so. i'm going to return to tunica the LORD willing. i'll return. i don't want to think about vegas or southern cal until i square away tunica. i'm not going to get stopped by tunica.

they got dumb lucky.
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